0420 555 918

Sean's Story
I love to run, and I love to coach. I hold a Level 2 Advanced Certification in Recreational Running and Coaching with Athletics Australia, I coach with one of Australia's most recognised groups, and run with a plethora of other groups at all levels. We are a strong and open community.
At it's core, running is a celebration of self improvement. It combines principles of planning, effort and reward to create accomplishment. As a runner, I want to share those benefits with as many individuals as possible.
Like many others, it was only in my early 30s that I realised I wanted more to life than financial prosperity and recognition by others. I was living in Middle Park watching runners pass my window every day and thinking I could never be 'one of them'. They to me were the 'others'. So I signed up to a community race with a friend - racing around what would become my home away from home - the Melbourne Botanical Gardens. I did a Victorian Road Racers 2 lap tan race and it almost destroyed me, apart from one thing, the irremovable inner and outer smile which remains to this day.
Shortly after that I lost my license due to demerit points (as a motorcyclist). Now living in Elwood, I started cycling into work, and subsequently was lured into the world of triathlon. I enjoyed a number of years in this all-encompassing world, never mastered the swim, which culminated in Melbourne Ironman 2016. I enjoyed it, all 10h42m, but something lacked.
I did my first marathon in the lead into Ironman, and towards end of the following year had signed up to my second marathon, following a plan I found online. I had a goal in mind and missed it by 26 seconds. However I was sold - sold to the notion of process +consistency + effort = outcome.
I have since competed in countless marathons, domestically and abroad, with my Personal Best over the Marathon distance at 2:46:56 at Gold Coast Marathon, and my first sub-3 at Boston 2016. I know I have more in me, as do you.